Thursday, November 21

Thankfulness day 21

Today I am thankful for grace.
The kind of grace that allows one to completely miss the bottom step on the way down, and fall flat on one's face, in front of a policeman and three burly tree cropping crewman, and still get up and walk away, head high.
The kind of grace that smiles and waves, all the while cursing inside in very big words.
The kind of grace that, with bleeding knees and swelling ankle, get into ones car and moves it from danger of the tree cropping crew, while they watch, then walks back UP said stairs, still smiling, and while still being watched, and makes it inside without further "dis"grace.
The kind of grace that allows one to, later on,  laugh their fool head off over what one small, slightly roundish, gray haired woman must have looked like, in her pj bottoms and stripey socks, going ass-over-teakettle down the concrete steps onto the gravel road.

Oh I do love me some grace!

And I'm also thankful that bloody knees and a slightly puffy ankle are the worst of it.  There was a pile of broken ceramic I landed in and suffered no damage from; nor did I break anything critical, tear anything crucial, or bleed from any other spot.  Lucky me!

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