Saturday, November 30

Thankfulness day... um... whatever...

So I missed a couple of days.

Not that I wasn't thankful during those days, I was, very, but sitting down to write about it seemed to be a bit more than I could manage!

This was an entirely different thanksgiving for me.  I was feeling sort of sad and bitter about it (and lets face it, having a pity party) but it actually turned out to be a lovely day.  Turns out that eating at a restaurant for the main meal is kind of yummy, and there's no dishes!

I had my 17 yr old son and my 17 month old son with me and it was fun and peaceful and easy and I would totally do it again.  Later that day we moved furniture around just for fun and then went to some friends for dessert.  I missed my girls terribly, and I missed all the thanksgivings of my past which were full of family, friends, fun, and me hosting the huge gatherings, but I was able to fully embrace my time with my boys and feel thankful.

And now I'm looking forward to Christmas.  Ah, the music, the decorations, the presents! Fun fun fun!  This year will be the first year my baby is able to grasp any of it and I look forward to his amazement and wonder at the colors and lights.

Wishing you all a holiday of amazement and wonder as well!

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