Sunday, September 22

Prompt: Does Art Have Power to Cause Change OR Is It Just Pretty To Look At

prompt from English I

Does Art Have Power to Cause Change:

This past weekend, in some random unmemorable way, the topic of orgasms came up while myself and my two teens were hanging out.

My 17 yo son said, "mom, I really don't think we should discuss this in front of Bear!" and I replied, "Buddy, she is almost 16, I'm pretty certain she knows what an orgasm is!"

Well, much conversation ensued in which I discovered that my almost 16 year old daughter does not, indeed, know what an orgasm is and based on my 17 year olds description, when told he could explain, I'm not so sure that even HE knows what one is.  I did not elaborate however, and as is common, other topics came up and orgasms were soon forgotten.

Stay with me... this will relate to art...

Moments later while my son was going on and on and describing the absolute deliciousness of his smoothie, my daughter innocently asked him, "Does it give you hot 'organisms'?"  Lord, I admit, I pee'd my pants a little I laughed so hard. They laughed and I laughed and we all laughed til our sides ached and we were gasping for breath and weak with our own love for each other.

This? This is art: the creation of funny, innocent, smart, creative and joyful kids.  This is art: the love and laughter in a broken family.  This is art: the power of joy and kindness and humor and love, and yes - it CAN change the world.

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