The boy fell asleep halfway thru singing about his lost blue lazer-light. I don't know how that is possible, but it is, and he did. I suppose if I can fall asleep halfway thru praying, then he can fall asleep halfway thru singing. Besides, he's only three so he can kind of do whatever he wants and it's still within the norm.
The dog is asleep too. He is pressed against my right thigh, all warm and heavy and doggy-ish. He occasionally twitches or sighs and I am feeling envious of the napping that is going on around me.
I tried to nap 3 times already. The first time was after our 4:18 am fiasco with the leaking pull-up. But the boy was awake enough, after the rudeness of my cold hands on his bare body as I wrestled him into dry clothes, that he couldn't fall back asleep. His constant thrashing and twisting, combined with the irresistible nature of his tender little kisses and pleas for hugs made "napping" impossible for me as well. Later around 10, when I realized we weren't going to make it to church in spite of being fully dressed, made up, and with keys in hand; I tried to lay down with him. Cue the giggling and the kissing. Man does that boy love to kiss his momma. Add in the dog barking because 10 am is actually a busy time outside and there were any number of things that needed to be barked at. Finally I bribed the boy with a movie and a snuggle on the couch at about 1 pm. Cozy blankets, a few pillows, a dvd on very low volume...and I did doze off; however it was with the unfortunate rasp of Cruella DeVille snaking its way into my semi-sleep and so when the boy slithered off the couch and promptly stepped on a lego (and cried) I was brought harshly to consciousness. I might possibly had developed a wee bit of a cranky nature by then.
Now it is after 3 and when I put him up in his own bed and told him I was setting a timer for 10 minutes so I could "wash dishes" before we went to the store, I did not expect myself to catch a second wind. But I did.
So I sit; in this quiet, dark, napping house. I try to not think about the long evening hours ahead, but instead about the hours I spent with my little guy today; how he showed me his "yoga" and how he made me do push-ups, and how we played legos and how I gave him fruit snacks for no reason at all, and how much I love this little boy...and the dog...and our little safe space in this life, even when everyone else gets a nap except me.
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