I try to consider calling on God, but in the moment, when the pain is so cellular, I call her.
I am laying prone on the floor, cell phone pressed painfully tight and surprisingly hot to my ear, alternating sobbing huge hiccupy gasping sobs with monosyllabic grunty acknowledgements of her words so she knows I am listening, knows I am breathing, knows I am "here".
These are things she says to me, words that illuminate my dark bitter dumping ground of emotional agony:
~ your kids? They are good people!
~ you don't have money for that tuition for him? But you give So. Much. More. than any amount of money...
~ you have ethic and morals, you give 110%!
~ I know who you ARE. I was there! I saw you...
~ you are understanding, compassionate, you have so much self-worth!
~ I will always remind you, of what a good person you are, what a good mom you are, I KNOW you, you listen to ME!
A friend like her? A friend for close to 15 years? She is worth, as a famous 'book' is known for saying, far more than rubies or Gold... This friend has sat with me in sorrow and grief, held me like a child in her arms and let me scream out my unfathomable pain. She has seen me broken and destroyed, and seen me rising from the ashes, and seen me somewhat nearly whole, complete, crossed to the other side. So when she tells me that I am good, that I am strong, right, validated, believed, accepted, NORMAL, I have to believe her.
I slide into sleep this night with acid tears sliding from my eyes, trailing the contours of my face from my eye to my temples and leaving silvered trails of anguish reaching into my hairline.
As I weep, I hear her voice: I will remind you... And I want to say this: oh Holy Spirit thank you for this friend of mine, thank you for your very presence in her voice tonight. I am saved because of her.
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