Tuesday, September 30


When I first came, I held my agenda tightly, in fisted hands, and spoke it out loud.  I was serious, focused, meaningful.  I was "with purpose"...

When I first came, with my fragile and vulnerable agenda, so heartfelt and full of intention and promise, I opened up to listen, to hear, to consider and contemplate.

When I first came, with open mind and open ears and seeking soul, I was thirsty and hungry but only for the healthiest of morsels, the richest bits, a tapas of unsampled tastings.

And so I listened.  I contemplated and considered, I tasted, purposefully, the offerings.  And now I'm finished.  

I leave here with my agenda, crumpled and smudged but still intact, and still held tightly; with my intention still active, my hunger and thirst still present, and my focus only sharper...and I leave not unfulfilled though - for I have seen things new, fresh, and uncovered that I can reframe for my agenda - I have new questions, new challenges, and even a new place to begin... 

I won't give up.  I have miles yet to travel and places to explore, but I leave here because this place is not the place for me to safely do so.  I leave because I know the safe place is out there still, and I deserve to find it.  I leave because I can... Because I am free to do so, because I have the choice.  I leave because in the sifting out, I see the fluff and the chaff that belongs to the wind, and I see the hearty bits that belong to me.  Those are the bits I hold carefully and keep from harm, those are the bits I carry forward into the next safe places.  

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